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Tom Van Herreweghe's Blog:
Running Zend Framework modules from a Phar file
Feb 09, 2011 @ 16:42:18

In a recent post to his blog Tom Van Herreweghe shares his method for running Zend Framework modules from a phar file, a simple archiving method native to PHP that makes it simpler to group and package related files.

Using Zend Framework as an MVC application is probably the most common usage examples for Zend Framework. When you create such an MVC application, you will probably have heard about modules: reusable components of your application. [...] In my case, I usually just copy and paste the module from one base project into a new project. That’s easy. But it would be cooler to package your module as a Phar file, and run that file instead.

He includes the code that can be dropped into your Zend Framework installation - MyLib_Application_Resource_Modules - that handles the bootstrapping of the phar files and executes the Boostrap.php file that it finds inside. He also points to this other article from Cal Evans about working with phar files in the Zend Framework.

tagged: phar tutorial zendframework module bootstrap


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