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Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Gthub API: Issues List
Jan 11, 2011 @ 15:56:26

Lorna Mitchell has a handy tip for those PHPers out there that use Github and want to pull off the issues from their project's Issues List quickly and easily - use their API (super simple).

I looked around for some export functionality for github but I got a lot of posts complaining it wasn't there. Since I hate applications that take your data and refuse to let you remove it, I was disappointed by this news but further inspection showed that although there might be no "export from github" button, there's an API that more than has it covered.

She gives an example of how to fetch only the currently open issues (the important ones) and pull then back through the API as a JSON message. Her little code snippet uses file_get_contents, but this can obviously be adopted to whatever use you might want. You can find out more about the things you can do with the Github API on the develop.github.com site including features to work with organizations, users, pull requests and gists.

tagged: github api issues json tutorial filegetcontents


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