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Meaningless docblocks considered harmful
Nov 26, 2010 @ 14:43:32

On DZone.com today Giorgio Sironi warns against something that you might not have considered before but could still be harmful to you and your code - meaningless docblock content that could be confusing.

However, docblocks may become as evil as comments when they're not treated as first-class citizens. [...] Too often docblocks are generated and left there without any additional information. In other cases, they are filled mechanically with information that can already be inferred. In that case, you're not helping the programmers, which will have to maintain that docblock containing information duplicated from the method signature.

He offers a few hints to follow to make sure you stay out of the bad docblock trap - don't repeat the code definition, don't repeat the logic of the method, not using the <code> tag and using @throws correctly.

tagged: docblock documentation code harmful opinion


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