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Josh Holmes' Blog:
Zend SimpleCloud and Azure
Oct 22, 2010 @ 15:59:09

In a new post to his blog, Josh Holmes has posted about some of the testing he done with Azure and SimpleCloud to get them connected and playing nicely together.

I've been playing with Zend's SimpleCloud API for the webcast that I'm doing with Zend today. I started with the Zend Framework Quickstart tutorial but changed out the backend to hit the Azure Tables and such (well kinda – I used Zend Studio 8 Beta 2 and didn't use the ZF tool but I still created a little guestbook). I'm going to expand this example to include blob storage and queues as well in the near future but at the moment, I'm just going to hit the Azure Tables.

He uses the Zend Framework CE, Zend Studio Beta, the Windows Azure SDK and the Windows Azure 4 Eclipse plugin to interface directly with the Azure instance. He shows how to create the project (complete with screenshots), map the IIS document root directory to the Azure instance (a Virtual Directory) and build the application. All of the code and table structures needed are included with the end result looking something like this.

tagged: zend simplecloud api windows azure tutorial guestbook


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