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Web Builder Zone:
The PHP paradigms poll results: OOP wins
Oct 05, 2010 @ 16:21:17

According to this new post on the Web Builder Zone, the results of a poll taken about the best programming method for PHP these days is - by far - object-oriented programming.

After two weeks of gathering votes, the PHP paradigms poll is now closed. With 216 votes (73%), the winner paradigm in popularity is Object-Oriented Programming. The old procedural approach to PHP, which has given fame to Wordpress and Drupal, is coming to an end. Even Drupal 7 has an object-oriented database layer as a primary component, and this paradigm is by far the most diffused in the world for web sites and applications written in high level languages (different from C).

While the overwhelming amount of votes went to OOP, there were still a few for some of the other options including the second place winner - procedural programming. He also talks a bit about OOP's current place in the PHP ecosystem and how it has allowed for certain great tools to be developed, but how it also has a good ways to go in functionality.

tagged: poll paradigm results oop objectoriented procedural


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