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Creating a Web Poll with PHP
Sep 03, 2010 @ 13:26:42

On NETTUTS.com today there's an intermediate tutorial showing you how to create a simple polling system for your site - complete with a database backend and a CSS styled results view.

Polls are nearly ubiquitous on the web today, and there are plenty of services that will provide a drop-in poll for you. But what if you want to write one yourself? This tutorial will take you through the steps to create a simple PHP-based poll, including database setup, vote processing, and displaying the poll.

They include all of the code and markup you'll need ready for cut & paste - the SQL for the database backend (they chose SQLite), the HTML for the question and answer sides and the CSS to style them both. No javascript is needed to make the example work. There's even some process flows to help you understand the paths the application can take.

tagged: poll tutorial sqlite css database


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