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Brian Swan's Blog:
Accessing Windows Azure Queues from PHP
Jul 21, 2010 @ 17:06:23

Brian Swan continues his series on using Windows Azure from PHP-based applications with this new look at accessing the queues via the Azure PHP SDK.

To round out my look at the storage options that are available in Windows Azure, I’ll look at accessing Windows Azure queues from PHP in this post. As in the first two posts, I’ll rely on the Windows Azure SDK for PHP to do the heavy lifting. In fact, I found the Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Queue class to be so intuitive and easy to use that I don’t think it’s worth walking you through my PHP code in this post.

He does take some time, however, to talk about what the Windows Azure Queue is and how it allows you to link the different parts of your application. He includes an overview of the SDK functions for accessing the queues and a few of the "gotchas" around using the API. Here's a link to the file he mentioned for his example.

tagged: access windows azure queue sdk tutorial


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