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phpDevelopment Blog:
Zend Framework Tutorial Series: Part 3 – Login and Signup with (RE)Captcha
Jul 13, 2010 @ 17:30:32

In a new post to his phpDevelopment blog Andrei Gabreanu has added the third part of his Zend Framework tutorial series. This time he looks at using a CAPTCHA image in your form via a call to a Zend_Captcha component.

he third part of the tutorial series will present you with a fully functionable solution for a login and signup page that activates a RECaptcha, via Zend_Captcha as a Service, when the user attempts to login/signup 3 times and fails. The tutorial will also show you how to use your models and how to structure your business logic inside your module based application.

They help you set up the database configuration information, create a sample layout for the page, work with the authentication and users controllers and, of course, the form. The inclusion of the CAPTCHA is as easy as adding a Zend_Form_Element_Captcha to the Zend_Form instance and setting up the user/signin process.

tagged: zendframework login signup tutorial captcha


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