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Josh Holmes' Blog:
Resolving PHP Version Conflicts while Developing for Azure
Jun 03, 2010 @ 14:15:22

Josh Holmes has a new post to his blog today with a tip on resolving version conflicts while developing PHP applications on an Azure installation.

A little while back I wrote a blog post titled Easy Setup for PHP On Azure Development. One of the things that I touched on is the PHP version conflicts. I had a much better idea which I’ve tried and have working so I thought I’d blog that here. What I had you doing in the Easy Setup for PHP On Azure Development is renaming the directory for PHP from something like C:PHP or C:Program FilesPHP to something else so that it wasn’t in the %PATH% so there wasn’t a conflict.

You don't have to do it this way, though - there's another option that involves editing the web.config file on the Azure side to tell wit there the correct PHP install lives. He also explains how you can test your WebRole code locally instead of having to upload it each time by setting up a virtual directory in your project.

tagged: version conflict azure development resolve


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