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Abhinav Singh's Blog:
Setting Nginx, PHP Fastcgi and XCache on a new Ubuntu
Apr 30, 2010 @ 13:41:00

Abhinav Singh has a new post to his blog today showing how to get Nginx, PHP (FastCGI) and XCache all up and running on an Ubuntu installation. He made the switch to this platform after he made the change in his choice of web servers:

Recently, because of a mandatory VPS move I had an opportunity to migrate all my sites from apache to nginx. My old box was in a messy state and setting up a new box from scratch was always going to be fun. Here in this post, I will walk you through all the steps that helped me migrate seamlessly. Specially, how did I setup the new box ensuring zero downtime on the sites.

One of the keys to his transition was to have no downtime in the switch between the old and new systems (managing local vs public DNS let him test). The software is all installed via the apt-get package manager and the changes you'll need to make to the configuration files are all included, making the install as easy on you as possible.

tagged: fastcgi xcache ubuntu nginx tutorial


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