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Paul Jones' Blog:
Solar Models vs. Zend Framework Models
Jan 08, 2010 @ 18:15:29

Paul Jones has added a new post to his blog today (in response to this one from Michelangelo van Dam about models in Zend Framework) on how to work with models in the Solar Framework and how the experience compares.

I read the article, and wondered how hard it would be to replicate his narrative using the Solar Framework model system. Turns out it’s pretty easy: there’s a lot of work that Solar does for you.

He describes the process in a series of ten steps with most of them being done for you by the tools included with the framework (the ones that aren't just setup tasks). The "solar system" toolkit includes a command line application that helps you build out the models and relating them is as easy as changing some values in the model classes with methods like "hasOne" and "belongsTo".

tagged: solar framework zendframwork model relationship


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