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Zend Framework 101: Zend_Session
Jan 06, 2010 @ 18:54:23

On PHPRiot.com there's a new post in their "Zend Framework 101" series posted today - a look at Zend_Session, the session handling component of the Zend Framework.

This component is built upon PHP's native session-handling functionality, making it easier to manage session data, as well as providing more advanced features. Firstly I will show you how to read and write data using Zend_Session, then I will show you how to implement a "remember me" feature for logging-in users on your web site.

They start you off by creating a session namespace and showing you how to read and write data into it. They also include sample bits of code showing how to remove session data and even the whole session namespace all together. The finish the tutorial off with the "remember me" functionality and a few other functions that the Zend_Session component comes with.

tagged: zendsession tutorial zendframework


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