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Brandon Savage's Blog:
Integrating Source Control Into Your Projects
Dec 24, 2009 @ 16:13:20

Brandon Savage as a suggestion for anyone doing any kind of development work - use source/version control in your development, you'll be thankful later.

If you ask most developers about source control, they’ll agree that it’s a wise thing to use. They’ll insist that they think it’s important. But yet, why are so many companies out there still not using source control in their projects? A good number of companies that I’ve worked with failed to make use of source control, resulting in issues that would have been trivial otherwise. In this article we’ll explore ways to make sure that if your company isn’t using source control, that you can help make a change to this policy.

He makes a few suggestions about implementing version control in your environment (it doesn't need to come from the top), how it's best put in place before a crisis and how the real person that might need the convincing could be your fellow cowrokers.

tagged: sourcecontrol project implement


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