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Padraic Brady's Blog:
Zend Framework 2.0 Is Coming! Are You Paying Attention End-Users?
Dec 07, 2009 @ 13:54:50

Padraic Brady reminds you in a recent blog post that the 2.0 version of the Zend Framework is coming - are you (and your application) ready?

It's somewhat common knowledge that the upcoming Zend Framework 1.10 release may be the final minor release in this branch of the Zend Framework. From that point forward many of us will be focused on Zend Framework 2.0. What's interesting, to a degree, is how little attention this seems to be getting.

He touches on some of the features that will be coming along with the 2.0 release including the new MVC model, new mailing and new building enhancements. He also thinks that the framework is starting to show "show its age" a bit with parts of it being left behind, poor source code already in the framework and a growing average on the number of open tickets (it's getting harder and harder for developers to keep up).

tagged: zendframework release future framework


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