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Keith Casey's Blog:
My Book Recommendations
Dec 01, 2009 @ 15:18:34

Following some of his previous comments about the state of a certain publishing company, Keith Casey has come back with a a list of recommendations of books he'd suggest to both budding and seasoned developers alike.

I had a number of people ask what books I did I recommend. To be honest, that's one of the easiest questions I've gotten in a while. [...] There are about 5 books that I believe should be in nearly any software developer's library.

He actually includes two lists - one that's technology-agnostic (with titles like "The Pragmatic Programmer" and "Joel on Software") and a more software development centric list including "The Mythical Man Month" and "Producing Open Source Software".

You can also check out some of Travis Swicegood's opinions on reading material.

tagged: book review development suggestion


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