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Symfony Blog:
Announcing Symfony BugHuntDay
Oct 26, 2009 @ 16:21:16

The Symfony project has officially announced their own BugHuntDay as a part of the phpBenelux user group targeted just towards the Symfony framework.

On Saturday November 14th from 10.00 until 17.00 you are welcome to join Fabien Potencier, Fabian Lange, Stefan Koopmanschap and the Benelux PHP community in Herentals in Belgium to help improve symfony, learn from each other, and of course have some fun. During the day you will first of all learn how to contribute to symfony by finding and fixing bugs, after which you will actually sit down and, coached by Fabien Potencier, Fabian Lange, Stefan Koopmanschap and of course each other, you will be able to actually pick some bugs and start fixing them.

You can find out more about the event on the symfony blog and more on the location here.

tagged: symfony framework bughuntday


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