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Jim Plush's Blog:
Followup on rethinking Zend Models with DDD - Framework code included
Jul 17, 2009 @ 15:50:57

Following up on a previous post of his concerning a bit of different thinking around models in Zend Framework applications, Jim Plush is back with this new post about some decisions he's made.

As a follow up to my previous post I'm going to post some live examples of model layer with Zend framework based on Domain Driven Design concepts. I've spent the past few days studying up on domain driven design as well as a lot of Martin Fowler's work in relation to domain modeling and I think I have at least some code to start with that could get some conversations rolling.

Because of the lack of a standardized model layer in the Zend Framework, multiple methods for creating and using them are possible. Jim has created some examples with the Domain pattern to make a basic User class. His example shows how to create a User instance and run several methods on it (like getNickname, setNickname) and how you could pass it into an example web service as a complete object.

tagged: pattern design domain model zendframework


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