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Secure Your Forms With Form Keys
Jun 12, 2009 @ 18:09:12

In this new tutorial NETTUTS.com suggests an alternative method to secure your website's forms - "form keys".

Security is a hot topic. Ensuring that your websites are secure is extremely important for any web application. In fact, I spend 70% of my time securing my applications. One of the most important things we must secure are forms. Today, we are going to review a method to prevent XSS (Cross-site scripting) and Cross-site request forgery on forms.

The "form keys" are special hashes generated each time the form is generated and submitted along with the other POSTed information to verify that the form came from the right place. The example they include shows how to create a simple login form that uses a class for generation and validation of the form's key.

tagged: tutorial key form secure


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