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Dagfinn Reiersol's Blog:
Real programming with PHP 5.3 (part 4): A more realistic example
Jun 05, 2009 @ 12:57:21

On the PHP in Action blog Dagfinn Reiersol continues his look at real programming examples using the upcoming PHP 5.3 release. In this new tutorial he focuses on making a classed based on the Range design pattern to paginate results.

A Range object is defined by just two values (three in my variation), so it might seem like too much to have an object just to keep these values, but as you can see from the example, a Range class can have behaviors to change and compare ranges.

He gives two code snippets - the first defines most of the methods of the class in the constructor (using the lambda functions) and the second uses a __call to catch the calls to the same methods but defined normally as private (making them inaccessible to the outside world).

tagged: lambda designpattern range tutorial


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