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Maarten Balliauw's Blog:
Announcing PHP SDK for Windows Azure
May 13, 2009 @ 15:29:34

In this new post to his blog about an interface (SDK) he's releasing to connect PHP applications with Microsoft's Windows Azure resource.

As part of Microsoft’s commitment to Interoperability, a new open source project has just been released on CodePlex: PHP SDK for Windows Azure, bridging PHP developers to Windows Azure. PHPAzure is an open source project to provide software development kit for Windows Azure and Windows Azure Storage – Blobs, Tables & Queues. I’m pleased that Microsoft has chosen RealDolmen and me to work on the PHP SDK for Windows Azure.

The SDK lets PHP developers connect with the Cloud Services Platform and allows them instant access to the different portions of functionality including tables, logging tools, request type helpers (REST, Error, etc) connecting to the Compute/Store/Manage features of Azure.

tagged: azure microsoft sdk realdolmen codeplex cloud service


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