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The mysqli Extension and the Active Record Pattern
Apr 15, 2009 @ 15:27:56

DevShed.com has posted the seventh article in their series looking at the Active Record design pattern in PHP applications. In this latest tutorial they show how to replace the older MySQL client libraries and use the newer mysqli client instead.

Well, as you'll surely recall, I built this class by using the old MySQL library included with the PHP distribution, which is good and efficient. But it's worth making the effort to see how this sample class can be rewritten by using the newer, revamped "mysqli" extension. Thus, this last episode will be dedicated exclusively to doing this, so you can have at your disposal an enhanced versions of the class.

For most of the code, you won't see too much of a change - the methods are named similarly and the results are references differently, but you shouldn't have to make too much of a change.

tagged: extension mysqli activerecord design pattern tutorial


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