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Jani Hartikainen's Blog:
Optimizing Zend Framework and Doctrine applications
Jan 27, 2009 @ 15:30:37

In a quick post Jani Hartikainen take a look at some optimization tricks you can do to help get the most out of your Zend Framework/Doctrine application.

I decided to try profiling my quiz application to see if I could speed it up. Not surprisingly, biggest performance penalties came from loading classes and Doctrine’s ORM magic. [...] As you may have heard, optimizing without profiling first is a bad idea, as you may think something is slow when something completely different would be better to optimize.

some of his suggestions include:

  • Removing all require_once calls from the Zend Framework library
  • Change the include_once_override setting if you're using APC
  • Using the query cache in Doctrine
  • Using the Doctrine_Table find functions rather than the Doctrine_Query objects
tagged: zendframework optimize profile xdebug doctrine


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