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Christian Wenz's Blog:
Installing PHP on Windows 7
Jan 12, 2009 @ 15:32:33

Christian Wenz has put together a guide for installing PHP on the newest Windows version - the Beta of Windows 7 recently released for download.

Microsoft have released the first public beta for their upcoming Windows 7 operating system. To me it looks surprisingly similar to Vista (which is a good thing and a bad thing), so I thought that installing PHP on it should be easy, as well. Actually, it was really easy, but since yesterday two people independently from each other asked me how to do it, I thought I'd write down the required steps.

The basic steps aren't very different from a normal Windows (IIS) installation:

  • Grab the latest non-thread-safe Windows binaries of PHP
  • Modify a few php.ini settings
  • Run the IIS installer and turn on CGI support
  • Point a FastCGI instance at PHP and
  • Make a test page
tagged: install tutorial windows7 iis windows


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