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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
Converting Legacy Apps to CakePHP, Part 2
Dec 09, 2008 @ 16:26:09

Chris Hartjes has posted the second part of his look at converting legacy applications over to a more structured CakePHP environment. In this new post he looks at working with the database schema.

Now you've decided to convert your legacy app over to CakePHP, you will run into the first serious obstacle: your database schema. To put it bluntly, if your schema does not already account for relationships between multiple tables you are screwed. Given that CakePHP is good at generating the queries you need to pull related records in for you, you NEED that schema to contain relationships.

He talks about the importance of relationships, creating his working models and some things to get well acquainted with - ow relationships work in CakePHP, how to use Containable behavior and some good SQL to back you up should you need it.

tagged: cakephp legacy application convert model database schema


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