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Sander van de Graaf's Blog:
Optimizing your (ZF) web application
Nov 07, 2008 @ 16:16:12

Sander van de Graaf has put together a new post for his blog today that looks at a few ways you can optimize your Zend Framework application.

In the process we're also porting all of our applications to Zend Framework (talking about migrations ;)). After finishing our first project, and moving it over the performance testing phase and all, we encountered quite a few issues. [...] While we don't have the visitor numbers he has for this particular project, we also have a lot less hardware to work with. Let me emphasize that. We have a lot less hardware to work with.

So, to squeeze the most out of their current setup, Sander worked through the process to see how their machine perform and a dew things that they did to give them a bit more of a boost. There's some general tips (like Apache settings) and some more PHP and Zend Framework specific suggestions.

tagged: zendframework tutorial optimize application hardware benchmark


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