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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
PHPUnit 3.2.0RC1
Oct 29, 2007 @ 04:50:38

The Release Candidate for PHPUnit 3.2 was announced on Sebastian's Blog.

Highlights of this new release include software metrics, project mess detection, copy-and-paste detection, improvements to SeleniumTestCase for better integration with Selenium RC, data providers for test cases, and grouping of tests.

View the ChangeLog for more detailed information on his latest release.

tagged: phpunit unittesting xunit release phpunit unittesting xunit release


Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
PHPUnit 3.2.0RC1
Oct 29, 2007 @ 04:50:38

The Release Candidate for PHPUnit 3.2 was announced on Sebastian's Blog.

Highlights of this new release include software metrics, project mess detection, copy-and-paste detection, improvements to SeleniumTestCase for better integration with Selenium RC, data providers for test cases, and grouping of tests.

View the ChangeLog for more detailed information on his latest release.

tagged: phpunit unittesting xunit release phpunit unittesting xunit release


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