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PHPUnit 4.7 and Three Shades of Green
Jun 08, 2015 @ 17:57:25

Sebastian Bergmann has posted a guide to PHPUnit 4.7 and some of the changes/new features it introduces.

PHPUnit 4.7 introduces a couple of small improvements. For instance, PHPUnit's PHPT test runner now supports --INI-- sections, information about the PHP runtime used is now printed in verbose mode, and a warning is now printed when code coverage data is collected but no whitelist is configured.

He also talks about the support that's been added improving the output of the HTML version of the code coverage reports, showing different colors based on how well covered the lines are. He also briefly looks ahead to PHPUnit 5, the versions it will support and the plans for release.

tagged: phpunit unittest v47 small medium large coverage shade phpunit5

Link: https://thephp.cc/news/2015/06/phpunit-4-7-and-three-shades-of-green

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