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Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
A sensible place for a fluent interface
Jan 03, 2006 @ 17:52:41

On his blog today, Tobias Schlitt has his look at fluent interfaces, and it's place in the eZ components libraries.

The new buzz term "fluent interface" has been mentioned a lot in the PHP world recently, so I will not again explain, what a "fluent interface" is. Andi already mentioned, that this way of desining an API is quite good and can give you a really handy interface, but he also points out, that one should make very careful use of the technique.

Also I did not know the term "fluent interface" before, we realized, that we already used this in the eZ components, to be more exact, in our Database package, which gives you a quite good ammount of SQL abstraction.

He gives a brief example from their code, and explains how it works. The statement selects from a table "Person" where the age is greater than 15 and orders it by the "full_name" field, limit of 10 rows returned. With the "fluent interface" concept, that's pretty much how the statement "reads" as well...

tagged: fluent interface sensible place ez components fluent interface sensible place ez components


Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
A sensible place for a fluent interface
Jan 03, 2006 @ 17:52:41

On his blog today, Tobias Schlitt has his look at fluent interfaces, and it's place in the eZ components libraries.

The new buzz term "fluent interface" has been mentioned a lot in the PHP world recently, so I will not again explain, what a "fluent interface" is. Andi already mentioned, that this way of desining an API is quite good and can give you a really handy interface, but he also points out, that one should make very careful use of the technique.

Also I did not know the term "fluent interface" before, we realized, that we already used this in the eZ components, to be more exact, in our Database package, which gives you a quite good ammount of SQL abstraction.

He gives a brief example from their code, and explains how it works. The statement selects from a table "Person" where the age is greater than 15 and orders it by the "full_name" field, limit of 10 rows returned. With the "fluent interface" concept, that's pretty much how the statement "reads" as well...

tagged: fluent interface sensible place ez components fluent interface sensible place ez components


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