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Stefan Koopmanschap's Blog:
Introducing phpOpenNOS
Jan 03, 2011 @ 17:42:07

Stefan Koopmanschap has a new post to his blog today talking about the release of a library he's created to help interface with the NOS public broadcasting group's newly opended API.

NOS is a dutch public broadcasting organization focussing mostly on news. Some months ago, NOS announced opening up their data by offering an API which would give access to (some of) their data. Today, the API is opened up to the public and developers who requested API keys will start receiving them. To make it easier for developers to use the API, I've developed a PHP5.3 library. [...] Basically, the phpOpenNOS library is nothing more than a layer between the API and your application. It is there so you don't have to develop the code to make the requests to the server.

He includes some sample code of how to use the library to make a request to the API (in this case the "getLatestArticles" method) and return the results as an array. He's put the interface up on github so it can be forked and modified as you might need. Along with articles, you can also fetch the latest video and audio information from the service.

tagged: phpopennos nos api webservice rest interface github


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