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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
What's In Chris' Brain, July 2008 Edition
Jul 16, 2008 @ 12:56:12

Chris Hartjes has made made a few comments on his blog about things going on in the online world - two of which pertain to PHP:

  • Closures and lambdas coming to PHP - he mentions the addition of lambdas and closures into the next major version of PHP (5.3) and his thoughts on how they've been abused in the past.
  • The Framework Jihad:
    If you substitute "modularized code with standardized API" for "framework", would that make people feel better? I use frameworks because so much of the infrastructure code is stuff I DO NOT WANT TO WRITE ANY MORE. After 10 years of doing this, it's time I stopped reinventing things. My old motto of "just build it, damnit!"

Check out his post for a bit more complete versions of these thoughts.

tagged: framework closure lambda php5 jihad


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