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Laravel News:
Invisible reCAPTCHA Integration With Laravel
Jun 09, 2017 @ 14:46:15

On the Laravel News site, there's a new post showing you how to use Google's invisible reCAPTCHA in a Laravel application with the help of the "albertcht/invisible-recaptcha" package.

Invisible reCAPTCHA is an improved version of reCAPTCHA v2 (No CAPTCHA) developed by Google, and users now only need to click the button: “I’m not a robot” to prove they are human.

In Invisible reCAPTCHA, there is no longer an embedded CAPTCHA box for users to interact with. It’s totally invisible with only a badge showing on the bottom of the page so users your website know you are using this technology. (The badge can be hidden, but this is not recommended.)

They start with an example of what the output looks like attached to a form and how to install and configure the package. This requires API credentials from the Google side: a sitekey and secretkey. The post finishes with the code you'll need in your forms and as a validator to check the reCAPTCHA code in the response.

tagged: laravel turorial invisible recaptcha integration package

Link: https://laravel-news.com/invisible-recaptcha-integration-with-laravel

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