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Internationalizing WordPress Projects: Updates With WordPress 4.6
Oct 13, 2016 @ 17:07:47

TutsPlus.com has posted the latest in their "Internationalizing WordPress" series today, focusing on some of the changes that have come with the release of WordPress 4.6.

Throughout this series, we've covered exactly what you need to do to internationalize your WordPress projects. If you've not read any of the previous posts, I recommend checking them out.

Though there have been some changes to how internationalization and localization work in WordPress 4.6, that doesn't mean the previous tutorials are irrelevant. It just means that the way you opt to distribute your plugins and their localizations will change.

And that's what we're going to be covering in this tutorial.

You'll need to be caught up on the series before following along with this article. It defines some of the basics and gets your WordPress install in a certain state. Then they get into the changes with the WordPress update including a brief overview of how the internationalization and localization functionality now works and the idea of "just-in-time" translations.

tagged: wordpress update internnationalization localization version

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/internationalizing-wordpress-projects-updates-with-wordpress-46--cms-27155

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