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Cal Evans:
Q&A on Public Speaking with Jessica Rose
Jul 14, 2016 @ 14:10:45

PHP community member Cal Evans recently talked with Jessica Rose, a well-known speaker at technology conferences all about public speaking and some of her own thoughts and advice to potential speakers.

This week my guest is Jessica Rose. Jessica speaks at developers events all over Europe and the US.

She took time out from her busy schedule to join me to answer questions on public speaking. We talk abut her first talk, preparing for talks, speaking to audiences whose first language is not English, and so much more.

Their conversation was recorded as a live Google Hangout and can be viewed either through the in-page video player or by heading over to YouTube.

tagged: qa public speaking jessicarose video interview youtube hangouts

Link: https://blog.calevans.com/2016/07/13/qa-public-speaking-jessica-rose/

PHP Roundtable:
031: Checking in with PHP & HHVM internals
Oct 08, 2015 @ 14:05:03

The PHP Rountable podcast has posted their latest episode recorded live and looking at HHVM - Episode #31: Checking in with PHP & HHVM internals. In this episode host Sammy K Powers is joined by Julien Pauli, Sara Golemon, Bob Weinand and Nikita Popov.

We chatting with some PHP & HHVM internals folks to learn what's been going on in the world of internals.

You can watch this latest episode either through the in-page video player or directly over on YouTube. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed for information about their latest episodes as they're released. They're recorded live too, so be sure to also follow them on Twitter to find out where and when the next one will be recorded.

tagged: phproundtable podcast video hhvm internals live recording hangouts

Link: https://www.phproundtable.com/episode/checking-in-with-php-and-hhvm-internals

Manuel Stosic:
Understanding Zend Framework 3...before it's out!
Oct 31, 2013 @ 14:22:33

Manuel Stosic has a new post today talking about the upcoming Zend Framework v3 (not "coming soon", but coming) and three places you can follow to keep up on the latest in this version as it develops.

ZF3 is not close around the corner. It's still many, many months ahead. But there are reasons why you should bother and get information about ZF3 as soon as possible. If you understand why changes are introduced - and most of them are explained, some will be explained at a later point i guess - then you can spot errors in todays code already! You can improve your current code by knowing what's going to be "in" a couple of months away.

The three resources he points to are the Google Moderator group for ideas around the framework, issues on the Github repository tagged for ZF3 and a series of planned Google Hangouts where core developers will talk about the work on this new version and answer questions from those watching.

tagged: zendframework3 google moderator github issues hangouts

Link: http://samminds.com/2013/10/understanding-zend-framework-3-before-its-out/

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