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Nick Halstead's Blog:
Google Gears Caching of WordPress in PHP
Jun 01, 2007 @ 14:53:00

With the launch of the Google Gears offline storage functionality, lots of developers are working on solutions to put this new functionality into practice. Nick Halstead has created his own handy little script to help with caching WordPress content.

I was instantly fascinated by Google Gears so I had to immediately try out the sample code that you can download. The tutorial on the website gives a simple example of how to cache a few files using the Resource Store. It makes it very easy to setup a JSON manifest file that contains which pages you want to have cached. Here is an example manifest.

In his example creates the manifest and a JSON interface to it to grab the content from the WordPress site.

tagged: googlegears caching wordpress content googlegears caching wordpress content


Nick Halstead's Blog:
Google Gears Caching of WordPress in PHP
Jun 01, 2007 @ 14:53:00

With the launch of the Google Gears offline storage functionality, lots of developers are working on solutions to put this new functionality into practice. Nick Halstead has created his own handy little script to help with caching WordPress content.

I was instantly fascinated by Google Gears so I had to immediately try out the sample code that you can download. The tutorial on the website gives a simple example of how to cache a few files using the Resource Store. It makes it very easy to setup a JSON manifest file that contains which pages you want to have cached. Here is an example manifest.

In his example creates the manifest and a JSON interface to it to grab the content from the WordPress site.

tagged: googlegears caching wordpress content googlegears caching wordpress content


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