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Internet Super Hero Blog:
PHP 5.3: Persistent Connections with ext/mysqli
Feb 19, 2009 @ 15:31:33

The Internet Super Hero blog has posted some statistics comparing the connections per second that can be made with the newly introduced persistent connection support coming with PHP 5.3 in the mysqli (ext/mysqli) driver.

Persistent Connections have been a mixed bag. They can give you a significant performance boost by caching (pooling) connections although MySQL is already comparatively fast at establishing connections. However,connections are stored "as-is" in the cache. They are not "cleaned up".

The ext/mysqli driver takes care of this and a few other problems surrounding the persistent connections by cleaning up things like rolling back active transactions, unlocking tables, closing prepared statements and closing handlers. The trick is in a call to the C-API function mysql_change_user() (= COM_CHANGE_USER).

tagged: mysqli ext driver persistent connection trouble solved statistic


Richard Thomas' Blog:
jQPie and Ext
Apr 19, 2007 @ 14:21:00

Richard Thomas reports on the latest functionality to be implemented with his jQPie framework - Ext support.

I had planned on building some extra functionality into jQPie to fit certain needs but after playing with Ext and its jQuery support all my needs have been met. A basic example of the paging/data grid module running off php, works pretty nice. http://projects.cyberlot.net/jqpie/examples/paging.html

The jQPie project provides a lightweight interface to iQuery. Check out some examples of what it can do on its wiki page.

tagged: jqpie framework lightweight ext support jquery jqpie framework lightweight ext support jquery


Richard Thomas' Blog:
jQPie and Ext
Apr 19, 2007 @ 14:21:00

Richard Thomas reports on the latest functionality to be implemented with his jQPie framework - Ext support.

I had planned on building some extra functionality into jQPie to fit certain needs but after playing with Ext and its jQuery support all my needs have been met. A basic example of the paging/data grid module running off php, works pretty nice. http://projects.cyberlot.net/jqpie/examples/paging.html

The jQPie project provides a lightweight interface to iQuery. Check out some examples of what it can do on its wiki page.

tagged: jqpie framework lightweight ext support jquery jqpie framework lightweight ext support jquery


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