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Rob Allen's Blog:
Zend Framework URL Rewriting in IIS6
Nov 16, 2009 @ 17:47:33

Rob Allen has posted a look URL rewriting in IIS 6 (similar to mod_rewrite in Apache) without the URL_Rewrite module that comes with IIS7.

IIS6, which ships with Windows Server 2003 does not have this module though and guess which version my client's IT dept run? As usual, they wouldn't install ISAPI_Rewrite or one of the other solutions for me. In the past, I've simply written a new router that creates URLs with normal GET variables, but this is ugly and I wanted better. One thing IIS6 does let you do is configure a URL to be called upon a 404 error, which then allows you to have "pretty" URLs and be able to route them.

He walks you through the setup of the manager to create this 404 routing setup allowing a single script (an index.php) that uses an instance of the Zend_Controller_Request_Http component to grab the request and forward the page back out to the user's desired location.

tagged: zendframework rewrite iis6 error404


Aleksey Zapparov's Blog:
How to handle unexistence controllers/actions with Zend_Controller
Oct 18, 2006 @ 15:56:00

As mentioned by the Zend Developer Zone in this post, Aleksey Zapparov has posted a quick tutorial on how to deal with a missing action and controller in your Zend Framework application.

You can easily make them call indexController::noRouteAction() on unexistence controllers, but on unexistence actions they'll throw you an exception. So there is a way to change this - modify sources.

His code basicly watches for the exceptions that would be thrown from a missing action and handles then inside a try/catch. If things fail, the user gets shuttled off to the Error404 controller that dumps out the contents of the controller class.

tagged: zend framework controller action nonexistence zend_controller error404 zend framework controller action nonexistence zend_controller error404


Aleksey Zapparov's Blog:
How to handle unexistence controllers/actions with Zend_Controller
Oct 18, 2006 @ 15:56:00

As mentioned by the Zend Developer Zone in this post, Aleksey Zapparov has posted a quick tutorial on how to deal with a missing action and controller in your Zend Framework application.

You can easily make them call indexController::noRouteAction() on unexistence controllers, but on unexistence actions they'll throw you an exception. So there is a way to change this - modify sources.

His code basicly watches for the exceptions that would be thrown from a missing action and handles then inside a try/catch. If things fail, the user gets shuttled off to the Error404 controller that dumps out the contents of the controller class.

tagged: zend framework controller action nonexistence zend_controller error404 zend framework controller action nonexistence zend_controller error404


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