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Chance Garcia's Blog:
Valuable Professional Reading
Aug 13, 2010 @ 13:14:39

As a part of the Dev Derby he's participating in, Chance Garcia has put together a list of books that he sees as beneficial to developers out there to hone their craft.

Our book selections are not limited to our respective Languages. I thought I would share my list with everyone. The first 2 (GoF design patterns and Patterns of enterprise application architecture) really just need to be in every developer's library. The rest are a collections of books I've read and liked as well as recommendations from developers I like and respect.

Books on his list include:

  • Patterns of enterprise application architecture
  • Building Scalable Web Sites
  • Mythical Man Month
  • Guide to PHP Security
  • Guide to Enterprise PHP Development
tagged: professional reading devderby suggestion book


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