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Paul Jones' Blog:
Solar 0.15.1 alpha released
Apr 05, 2006 @ 20:26:41

Paul Jones has posted today about the latest version of his Solar application development framework - a non-development release of version 0.15.1 alpha.

I know, "alpha" is only slightly less change-prone than "devel", but it’s a move forward and it makes me happy.

You can see the change notes here, but the major updates are:

  • Solar_Uri has been refactored to be much easier to use, from 16 methods down to 5, with better "action" and "public" support, and it works with mod_rewrite now. (
  • Solar_User_Auth ow calls session_regenerate_id() on all status changes, and calls to session_start() are no longer silenced.
  • Solar_Filter method names have been made consistent with each other.

He briefly mentions a comparison between the Solar_Filter class and the Zend_Filter class from their framework - for more on that, see the SitePoint post.

He finished up the post by outlining some of the features to come once this just-released version has been used and abuse by developers. These items include a Solar_User_Access class and integration of the Dojo Toolkit.

tagged: solar application framework version 0.15.1 alpha release solar application framework version 0.15.1 alpha release


Paul Jones' Blog:
Solar 0.15.1 alpha released
Apr 05, 2006 @ 20:26:41

Paul Jones has posted today about the latest version of his Solar application development framework - a non-development release of version 0.15.1 alpha.

I know, "alpha" is only slightly less change-prone than "devel", but it’s a move forward and it makes me happy.

You can see the change notes here, but the major updates are:

  • Solar_Uri has been refactored to be much easier to use, from 16 methods down to 5, with better "action" and "public" support, and it works with mod_rewrite now. (
  • Solar_User_Auth ow calls session_regenerate_id() on all status changes, and calls to session_start() are no longer silenced.
  • Solar_Filter method names have been made consistent with each other.

He briefly mentions a comparison between the Solar_Filter class and the Zend_Filter class from their framework - for more on that, see the SitePoint post.

He finished up the post by outlining some of the features to come once this just-released version has been used and abuse by developers. These items include a Solar_User_Access class and integration of the Dojo Toolkit.

tagged: solar application framework version 0.15.1 alpha release solar application framework version 0.15.1 alpha release


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