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Lee Blue's Blog:
How To Sort A Zend_Db_Table_Rowset
Feb 14, 2008 @ 23:11:00

Lee Blue has posted a handy tip for users of the Zend Framework, specifically when sorting the results from a query to tables linked in a Zend_Db_Table setup.

So you figured out how to define the relationships between your Zend_Db_Tables and you have issued a call to findDependentRowset(). You get your Rowset back but you need to sort the results by one of the columns in the dependent table. How do you do that?

Unfortunately, he's found out that you just simply can't - well, not without a custom function (until the 1.5 release of the framework rolls around). He shows his table set up and some sample database classes to relate to the tables (and link between them). The magic comes in with his DU_Utils class that takes in the data and sorts it based on the given column name in the given direction.

tagged: zendframework zenddb table relationship sort order column


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