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Tony Bibbs' Blog:
Oh So Familiar Problem with Zend Studio Neon (Eclipse-based)
Oct 31, 2007 @ 12:58:00

In a new blog post Tony Bibbs talks about an issue that he's been having (an "oh so familiar problem") when trying to install the Zend Studio Neon IDE - the same as last time, an issue with a locked resource.

The fix this time was a bit more cumbersome because the unpacking of files happens during the install not when you explicitly uncompress the tarball. However the Internet proved to be a valuable resource again as I found the fix from a blog by someone overseas.

The solution involved breaking the installer (pushing it to the background for a bit) at a certain point, executing a command to replace the variable name and resuming the install process to complete a correct software installation.

tagged: zendstudio neon beta eclipse installation problem zendstudio neon beta eclipse installation problem


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