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Nik Chankov's Blog:
10 reasons to choose CakePHP as Framework
Oct 17, 2007 @ 03:30:03

Nik Chankov feels pretty strongly about the CakePHP framework - strong enough that he's written up a post of ten reasons why he thinks you should choose Cake over other PHP frameworks.

Here I want to list all those things, but near to each of them I will give short explanation what is it and how CakePHP implement it. So, if somebody ask me what are those 10 things which drive me to choose this framework as my primary one I will answer with [this list].

Included in his list are things like it's MVC pattern, the object relational mapping, that it's easily extensible, has ajax support and makes the CRUD scaffolding easy.

tagged: cakephp framework list choose mvc orm ajax scaffolding cakephp framework list choose mvc orm ajax scaffolding


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