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Evert Pot's Blog:
PHPRPC and PHP frameworks
Aug 13, 2007 @ 21:27:00

In an effort to spread PHP-RPC functionality around as much as possible, Evert Pot has suggested his code to three of the major sources for application development - the PEAR project, the Solar Framework and the Zend Framework.

I started the process to submit PHPRPC to the major frameworks. I feel like I should submit it to all the major frameworks, so I can make sure people can use PHP-RPC regardless of their framework of choice.

In PEAR, it has been submitted as a PEAR2 package, in the Solar Framework as an open ticket (so far) and in the Zend Framework as just an idea (no formal or informal kind of submission yet).

tagged: phprpc framework solar zendframework pear phprpc framework solar zendframework pear


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