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Community News:
phpDocumentor 1.4.0 (Stable) Release
Jul 24, 2007 @ 16:16:00

The phpDocumentor project has announced the release of their latest version (a stable!) - phpDocumentor 1.4.0 - on their site today:

The PhpDocumentor team would like to announce the release of PhpDocumentor version 1.4.0 through SourceForge and pear.php.net. This is the first stable feature release since 2006.

This new release adds in functionality for new tags for "magic" properties and methods, some new runtime options (like ignoresymlinks and undocumentedelements) and puts a new memory_limit option on the ini file to help keep it more under control.

You can grab the latest download either through a "pear upgrade" or directly from the project's SourceForge site. Their latest post also includes the complete Changelog for more details on the updates.

tagged: phpdocumentor stable release sourceforge pear phpdocumentor stable release sourceforge pear


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