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Database Techniques and PHP
Jun 21, 2007 @ 18:02:00

Continuing on from this previous post, DevShed has this new tutorial posted. Another excerpt from O'Reilly's "Programming PHP, Second Edition" (by Kevin Tatroe, Rasmus Lerdorf, and Peter MacIntyre), this section gets more into connecting to the database, making a query and returning some information.

They start off looking at the DSNs mentioned previously and include a bit of error checking around it to handle anything that might come up. The next step is, of course, to make a query against the information in your database. They also include an example of the fetchRow method to push the returned results into a variable.

The variable is built out as an array, so they show what that array looks like "on the inside" and how you can reference the different values that make it up.

tagged: database technique excerpt oreilly programming database technique excerpt oreilly programming


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