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Community News:
Xinc - Continuous Integration
Jun 06, 2007 @ 20:36:06

The Xinc (Xinc Is Not CruiseControl) group has released an announcement about reaching the beta mark in the development live of thier tool, Xinc.

Xinc is an open source PHP 5 continuous integration tool designed to integrate with Subversion, Phing and PHPUnit.

There is a growing awareness of continuous integration in the PHP world and we feel that to have to rely on Java to provide this functionality (i.e. CruiseControl) sucks big time. So we are building the PHP 5 alternative.

Their system seems clean and lets you not only set up the push via a running background process but can pull it from Subversion and run any unit tests (via PHPUnit) you might have before pushing the project out.

tagged: xinc continuous integration phing phpunit subversion xinc continuous integration phing phpunit subversion


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