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Mike Wallner's Blog:
Phar vs World
May 09, 2007 @ 13:32:00

Mike Wallner talks today about a much deliberated topic in the community currently - the inclusion of the phar extension into the core distribution of PHP and how, because of not having a good addition process, things will get a little nuts:

How many people are really reading through all mails of 100+ message threads? It's going to be a chaos. Always. Once a developer has got his new, shiny and soon-to-be-world-dominating extension into the core, he'll be a even stronger advocate of the "no-new-extensions" camp. Not to disrespect any work, but this is pure rivalism, masculine - really!

When asked it the phar extension will make it into the core, Mike usually responds with "Never" simply because of the issues surrounding the personal feelings of those that would be involved with the merge.

tagged: phar pecl extension integrate core advocate phar pecl extension integrate core advocate


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