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PHP-GTK Community Site:
Three New Posts - Two on Software, One on Web Services
May 02, 2007 @ 12:39:00

The PHP-GTK Community website has three new posts today - two concerning pieces of PHP-GTK software and one with news about the new RPC services the website offers.

First off is a look at the emuControlCenter software (version 0.9), a rom-manager for console and computer games:

emuControlCenter (ecc) is a rom-manager for retro and new console/computer games. ecc is build for people who want's to play retro games quick 'n' easy, without searching to much, ECC supports images and previews them directy in the 'Resultview'. Also there is a 'ImageCenter' build-in for a fullsize preview!

Next up is the PHP_Gtk Builderthis site for more information.

Finally, there's some information posted about the new web service offered by the site:

Starting today, the community site exposes a new XML-RPC service offering access to its daily statistics, in addition to the existing geo_nick API.

They include the list of information pages on getting started and using the API (like the access_stats API and a tutorial on getting started with PHP-GTK and the geo_nick service).

tagged: phpgtk webservice xmlrpc accessstats builder emucontrolcenter phpgtk webservice xmlrpc accessstats builder emucontrolcenter


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