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PHP Security Blog:
Ed Finkler discusses Month Of PHP Bugs
May 01, 2007 @ 12:44:00

On the PHP Security blog today, Stefan Esser points out one of the latest episodes of the Pro::PHP Podcast in which Ed Finkler got to talk a little bit about PHP security (seeing as how he's involved with the PHPSecInfo project). One of the things he (Ed) specifically mentions in the interview is the Month of PHP Bugs that Stefan recently wrapped up.

Today I learned about a podcast interview of Ed Finkler one of the members of the PHP Security Consortium. I heard through the first 30 minutes and was kinda bored because it was not really about PHP Security but about educating PHP developers, which is a subtopic of PHP Application Security which itself is a subtopic of PHP Security. I already wanted to switch it off when at around 34:32 they started talking about the Month of PHP Bugs.

Stefan also notes that Ed didn't mention that several of the MoPB issues had already been released to the PHP group but had yet to of been corrected. Be sure to check out the podcast for yourself, though and see what you think of Ed's comments about PHP security and the MoPB initiative.

tagged: edfinkler monthofphpbugs podcast interview prophppodcast edfinkler monthofphpbugs podcast interview prophppodcast


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