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Url Routing with PHP - Part Three
Apr 16, 2007 @ 12:03:00

phpaddiction has posted part three of its URL Rewriting tutorial series today - the creation of the "C" (Controller) in MVC.

In the final part of this series, I will build a functional modular front controller that can be easily adapted to small projects. It is basically the "C" in MVC for a simple MVC framework. If you haven’t read the first two articles I recommend that you read over them first. Url Routing with PHP - Part One and Url Routing with PHP - Part Two.

They start with the base created before (with some slight modifications) and build up the dispatcher to handle their new requests and the controller to respond. In their example, when the Controller is called, it runs the execute() method and, based on the input, either calls another function or returns an error if it doesn't exist.

tagged: url routing mvc modelviewcontroller controller dispatch execute url routing mvc modelviewcontroller controller dispatch execute


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