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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
Doing RADAR in CakePHP
Apr 12, 2007 @ 15:21:00

Chris Hartjes demonstrates how to get the concept of RADAR (RESTful Application, Dumb-Ass Recipient) up and working with a simple CakePHP application.

Okay, time for some code samples to boost traffic to my site. In a previous posting I talked about the idea of RADAR, or RESTful Application, Dumb-Ass Recipient. So, wanting to see if I could put it into use, I decided to do the following for a new application: Have the core of the application provide data via a REST service, For the web part of it, create controller / action pairs that call the REST service and pass the output onto the views.

There's four code examples included in the post:

  • Defining the IndexController for the app
  • Creating the results, standings and schedule methods in the controller
  • Rendering the XML for the response and for the standings and for the standings for a particular division (two code blocks).

tagged: cakephpframework radar rest interface division standings cakephpframework radar rest interface division standings


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